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  • Low Smoke Zero Halogen

    FRT & FR cables & wires are manufactured to BS 7211 (Single Core Wiring)

  • Fire Resistant Cables

    FR Cables fire performance cables are specifically designed to facilitate the quick and orderly evacuation of the buildings occupants in the events of an emergency.

History of aboriginal adeptness cables

Posted by FR Cables on - -

Today’s avant-garde adeptness cables are complete of two or added electric conductors that are captivated calm with a sheath or cover. They alteration electrical adeptness and can be acclimated in a array of applications; they can be active in the ground, strung overhead, or installed assuredly in buildings, as wiring. Today’s avant-garde adeptness cables are fabricated of altered abstracts and constructions, depending on what they’re acclimated for.
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